July 22, 2020

Natural Cucumber Hydrosol is extracted from cucumber by steam distillation. It adds perfect fresh cucumber aroma to water-soluble products, especially suitable for delicate and sensitive skin.

The nutritional value of cucumber

Cucumbers are rich in nutrients such as protein, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, calcium, phosphorus, and iron.

Cucurbitacin C contained in cucumber has the effect of improving human immune function and achieving the purpose of anti-tumor.

Cucumber is rich in vitamin E, which can prolong life and anti-aging. The enzyme in cucumber has strong biological activity and can effectively promote the body's metabolism.

The alanine, arginine, and glutamine in cucumber have a certain adjuvant therapeutic effect on liver patients, especially patients with alcoholic liver cirrhosis, and can prevent and treat alcoholism.

The glucoside and fructose contained in cucumbers do not participate in the usual sugar metabolism, so diabetic people use cucumber instead of starchy food to satisfy their hunger, and blood sugar will not increase, but may even decrease.

The propylene glycol contained in cucumber can inhibit the conversion of sugars into fat. In addition, the cellulose in cucumber has a certain effect on promoting the elimination of putrefactive substances in the human intestines and reducing cholesterol, which can strengthen the body.

Cucumber contains vitamin B1, which is beneficial to improving the function of the brain and nervous system, soothing the mind, and assisting in the treatment of insomnia.


The skincare effects of cucumber

  • Improve skin texture

Cucumber hydrosol contains a lot of vitamins, can be used to apply a facial mask, which is easier to absorb and help improve the skin, making the skin smoother and more elastic.

  • Whitening and anti-aging

Cucumber hydrosol can help skin whitening and freckle removal. At the same time, the vitamin E in cucumber hydrosol also has the effect of delaying skin aging, can effectively moisturize the face and stretch wrinkles.


How to make cucumber hydrosol

The method is the same as other hydrosols, but the ratio needs to be paid attention to. Due to the high moisture content of cucumber itself, 500g of cucumber can make 500ml of hydrosol in proportion.

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